Beat GRE Quant in 2 Months (Learn More)

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Student's Review

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GRE Quant School Student Review

Safayet Mahmud Chowdhury

Student of GRE Quant School

''This man is highly recommended for quant!''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Fahim Sarwar

Student of GRE Quant School

''The heart-felt, relentless behavior of the instructor and the style of solving problems in more than one way is very appreciable. In Shaa Allah there will be no regret after taking the course.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Matiur Rahman

Student of GRE Quant School

''You are a great instructor for quant my seeing. Your teaching method is awesome. There are lots of techniques and shortcut methods in your teaching. You have also suburb behavior. I appreciate you.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md. Foysal Ahmed

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vai is one of the best quant teachers. He has quite enough experience in his field. All math problems are discussed thoroughly by him. Who are struggling with GRE quant, I am recommending him.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

ইসহাক ইনান

Student of GRE Quant School

''If anyone wants to be a boss in GRE quant then he must contact Sourav Simanta Bhai, his style of teaching really great, I have learned a lot of techniques from him.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Emran Sikder

Student of GRE Quant School

''The instructor is really good. Anyone can overcome their weakness in the GRE Quant section.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md Azman

Student of GRE Quant School

''যারা সাইন্স ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের তাদের যদি ও ম্যাথের তেমন একটা সমস্যা হয় না তবে যারা আর্টস, social science, business background সমস্যা ফেইস করেন। আমি বলব, যে কোন background এর হোন না কেন যদি ম্যাথে ভালো স্কোর উঠাতে চান তাহলে সৌরভ ভাইয়ের কোর্স টা নিসন্দেহে করতে পারেন। এতে আপনার সময় বাচবে ;টার্গেট স্কোর তোলার লালিত স্বপ্ন পূরণ হবে ;নিজের স্বপ্ন কে বাস্তবায়ন করতে সেরকম মনমানসিকতার লোকদের সাথে পরিচয় হবে।''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Upal Kazi

Student of GRE Quant School

''Your excellent teaching skills and courteous personality has helped me tremendously. I appreciate you being stern and letting me know what I am doing wrong along with giving me ways I can correct my mistakes. It is comforting to know that whenever I have a question you answer right away, which you know is all the time. I have learned so much from you and I look forward to learning more. Thank you for being a remarkable teacher and I am very grateful to have you as a teacher Sourav Simanta bhai''

GRE Quant School Student Review

S M Rezwanul Islam

Student of GRE Quant School

''I think Sourav Simanta vai is someone who has been guiding me for the last couple of months and I really appreciate his support and flexibility while taking the course. We have complexities in our understanding that sometimes create unavoidable circumstances. The person who takes your side to go through the troubles is a mentor. That is because I define him as the 'Awesome Mentor' with GRE Quant Preparation.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

মুহাইমিনুল ইসলাম

Student of GRE Quant School

''Being a business student, GRE Quant is always a challenge for me. I have always struggled with geometry since my school days in particular. That's why I was looking for someone who led me from the very beginning, and fortunately, I was able to discover Sourav Simanta vai in my journey. He's not just an excellent mentor; he's dedicated, supportive, and genuinely a positive guy. So, for the finest preparation for GRE Quant, I definitely advised Sourav Simanta vai and GRE quant school. It certainly will be one of the best investments in life. I reckon I will be in your kind consideration in my future journey.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Masing Marma

Student of GRE Quant School

''This course is very helpful for students to learn essential techniques to beat the GRE Quant section. All the best to all students of the GRE Quant course.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

F Y Trisha

Student of GRE Quant School

''Personally, I think he is a unique mentor for students of all backgrounds, especially for the Gre Quant course. His Quant strategies cover the full course. Wish you good luck!''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Turna Basak

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vaiya is one of the best quant mentors. His teaching style is unique and he focuses on every student equally. I find GRE quant interesting only because of him… Lots of good wishes to Sourav Simanta vaiya''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md. Saiful Islam

Student of GRE Quant School

''যারা জিআরই দিতে চান, তাঁদের অন্তত এক মাস হলে ও Sourav Simanta ভাইর কাছে পড়া উচিত। আমার দেখা জিআরই কোয়ান্টে Sourav Simanta অদ্বিতীয়। ম্যাথে তাঁর দখল, বুঝানোর ক্ষমতা ও ধর্য্য আপনাকে মুগ্ধ করবে। আমি তাঁর কাছে অনেকদিন পড়েছি এবং এখন ও কোনো সমস্যায় তাঁর শরণাপন্ন হই।একজন ক্যাডার অফিসার হিসাবে আমি তাঁর ইন্টিগ্রিটিকে ১০ এ ১০ দিবো।''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Shahina Akter

Student of GRE Quant School

''আমিও সৌরভ সীমান্ত ভাইয়ের ক্লাস দেখেছি সত্যিই অসাধারণ তার বুঝানোর ক্ষমতা।''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Saima Hossain Oishi

Student of GRE Quant School

''My journey with GRE started through the Quant course conducted by Simanta vaiya. In my opinion, this was the best decision I've ever made. Earlier I was very weak in Maths and it was quite difficult to understand the questions in GRE. But this course has brought about a remarkable change in me. The course commenced with a general overview of the GRE which helped me to get all the ins and outs. Mentor Simanta vaiya also guided us on how to take the verbal preparation even though the course was solely a Quant-based Course. Whenever I faced any problem, he tried his level best to provide the best suggestion. While conducting the course, we were provided with the concepts, Maths Basics in each chapter. The supporting videos were super helpful and I was able to learn the tricks to solve them faster. In addition, he tries to teach us math techniques by solving almost the maximum number of math. Gradually it improved my power to think and do mental math quickly which boosted my confidence level. Also, the system of providing the class recordings also helped us way too much in this situation as most of us are experiencing frequent electricity issues. We can re-watch the classes multiple times if we can't understand any particular math at one go. Thank you so much Simanta vaiya for your guidance and support all through. The Quant journey has been so smooth under your guidance. Looking forward to getting your valuable instructions in the future as well even after we are no longer a part of your existing batch. All the best vaiya. Please keep me in your prayers 🙏''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Irfan Chowdhury Bappy

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best quant school in the country. Sourav vai you r truly a genius, and your teaching style is quite unique. Anyone with zero knowledge of quant can understand ur lectures. Keep up the good work brother. God bless u.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Tanjil Bin Mahfuj

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta ভাই! কোয়ান্ট ভাল করার জন্য মানে বেসিক থেকে শুরু করার জন্য ভাই একদম পারফেক্ট! অনেক কিছু শর্টকাট শিখাইছেন উনি,যেগুলা এডভান্সড ম্যাথ এ খুব ই কাজে লাগে❤️!!''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Nabil Abdullah

Student of GRE Quant School

''As someone who is completely from a business background, facing the quantitative section always felt challenging and burdensome. Ever since I get to know Sourav Simanta bhai my perception has changed. As one of his students in an ongoing batch, I often ask him silly questions and he answers every time and it clears my confusion. His skillful teaching and deep patience have eradicated my fear of maths. If you want to get a resourceful and organized teaching you can surely go for GRE Quant School - Online Group Study.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Atick Asef

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vai er somporky jai boli na kno,seta tar jonno khubi nogonno..he is a magician of quant. you can trust & rely on him. of course he is true to his words. Long live brother, still a long way to go...May Almighty ALLAH grant you more success.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Abdullah Al Zubayer

Student of GRE Quant School

''I am really grateful to GRE Quant School - Online Group Study. I got 313 which is beyond my expectation. Special thanks to Sourav Simanta vaia, who always motivated me for having a good score. On beside, having extra care for GRE related other supports. I really believe that GRE Quant School is one of the best learning platform for GRE in Bangladesh. I wish all the very best to GRE Quant School for further actions.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Otoshi Anjum

Student of GRE Quant School

''The GRE Quant School is an excellent program for anyone looking to improve their quantitative skills and achieve a high score on the GRE. The curriculum is comprehensive and covers all the topics you'll encounter on the test, and the personalized attention from instructor is truly exceptional. Overall, I highly recommend the GRE Quant School to anyone looking to excel on the quantitative section of the GRE.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md. Riyadul Hasan

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vaiya your Explanation of any gre related math is Very effective. Anyone can get help for gre Quant from Sourab vaiya.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md. Saiful Islam

Student of GRE Quant School

''When I was drowning in the sea of problems of GRE mathematics, then an angel named 'GRE QUANT SCHOOL' directed by Sourav Simanta has come to me and rescued from this near drowning situation, therefore, I was able to reach the shore of success, and even still, if I am derailed from the track, this school pulls me and keep me balance on the track, so that I can continue for solving my gre math problems. Thank you Sourav Simanta vai.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Daiyan Ibn Hasan

Student of GRE Quant School

''I was struggling with math especially arthimatic as I left the subject math eight years ago. In batch I faced hesitation as my questions seems sily sometimes. I was looking for a one-on-one gre quant program within affordable expenses. In that part GRE Quant School instructed by Sourav Simanta bhai is helping me at lot. The whole program seems very liberal in maintaining the schedule. I don’t feel hesitation while asking the silliest question. And the best part that I have found is learing through solving the problems from different books which opens alternative ways to solve the problems. Even my mentor had explained 70% question-answers from a single chapter without any displeasure. And of course, the tests in every class based on the topics discussed in the precious class helps me to evaluate my learned concepts.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Upal Kazi

Student of GRE Quant School

''It's one of the best interactive class available.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Amana Pacheco

Student of GRE Quant School

''I have been taking classes for a month now, I actually regret so much I haven't started before when I first saw his post about his classes. Since I started I have learned so much, Sourav he is very patient and has lot of knowledge!! he can definitely help you with quant strategy! If you need help with quant do not hesitate to work with him!!''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Sakir Mohammad

Student of GRE Quant School

''For any type of learning being in comfortable state matters. I find the online classes certainly very comforting-as I can be in my lungi and still look sharp. It also saves a lot of time. Thank you dear teacher Sourav Simanta for making math fun. I think your patience and passion make everything possible.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Joydeb Babu Pranta

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vai,Is a man of Quant Legend''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Zareen Jahan

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vaia is one of the best teachers of my entire life!!...who listens to all the students very patiently & never ever bothers to explain the same topic several times!! Best wishes to vaia & GRE Quant School 🎉🎉''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Kazi Saif

Student of GRE Quant School

''Excellent course outline, first teaches Manhattan 5lb to strengthen basic, then magoosh, ets and gmat! It covers all the quant section! Highly recommended to join!!!''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mahabubur Rahman

Student of GRE Quant School

''I am really glad to be a student of his Quant. Course.His Teaching methods are awesome that helps everyone to understand what to do or not. I wish him a successful career.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md Golam Kibria

Student of GRE Quant School

''You are just an awesome instructor as you have a well-technique, flexible behavior, and also you have good time management. I respect you as my instructor and elder brother. I am grateful to you.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Salman Ibna Jamal

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best mentor for GRE. I have learned tricks and shortcuts for solving long math from you, and your systematic and structural design helps a lot to understand the GRE preparation as a newbie. I will definitely recommend Sourav Simanta da to all the aspirants of the GRE.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Najiba Ahmadullah

Student of GRE Quant School

''I totally recommend this platform for GRE quant. The instructor is so supportive. He makes things easier to understand. Anyone can enroll for this course without giving it a second thought for sure. I am so thankful to have had you as an instructor of quant.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Nayan Sarker

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best mentor for GRE Quant. He makes a lot of well techniques and shortcuts for aspirants. And his most important thing is soft behavior and his problem-solving capability is Awesome. As a student, I always appreciate him.❤️❤️❤️❤️''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Snigdha Pervin

Student of GRE Quant School

''In simple words he is the best one in GRE quant. Carry on GRE Quant School… All the best… 👏👏 ♥️♥️♥''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Tania Tani

Student of GRE Quant School

''You are amazing as an instructor. Very positive, enthusiastic, well organized, and provides the appropriate amount of material, manner of teaching is so wonderful, contains shortcut methods and techniques. Your patience and dedication are beyond words! I would highly recommend you always be the best mentor for GRE quant. 👏🌷''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Md. Maruf

Student of GRE Quant School

''On this platform, you are the best teacher I've ever seen… The greatest lesson I've ever learned from you is patience and hard work. The biggest thing is that you are a kind-hearted man, you never get bored, and your unique mathematics strategy and logic are wonderful, in a word you are the best GRE mentor, especially in the quants section, really you are an awesome person. So I will highly recommend Sourav Simanta vai to all the aspirants of the GRE. GRE quants School is the best choice for your precious journey.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

ইশরাত জাহান মাহমুদ

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vai is an amazing teacher. He is very sincere and his teaching method is unique. I would highly recommend him.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mamun Abdullah

Student of GRE Quant School

''What a polymath you are at quant! As a person, you are amicable and approachable verbatim. I am elated indeed for having Mr. perfect … Carry on... You guys may garner real tips and techniques for quant (GRE).''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

রাসেল মাহবুব

Student of GRE Quant School

''I am struggling with GRE quant. I reckon I will be grateful to have you as my elder brother as well as remarkable mentor in the GRE journey. May Allah enhance our caliber and keep Sourav vaiyya's health sound.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Tanzina Zobair

Student of GRE Quant School

''I wish I could meet Sourav Simanta bhai last year before appearing my 1st GRE exam! This year I am more confident than before. Sourav bhai has made it. His capability of explaining math and his patience are excellent. He is the best for GRE quants.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

S M Lutfur Rahaman

Student of GRE Quant School

''You are a Marvelous Mentor bro.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Arafath Jubayer

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best mentor for GRE. Takes a lot of patience and time to explain math. Carry on GRE quant school. I am grateful to you. ❤️''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

H Mahmud

Student of GRE Quant School

''Great Service''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Farhan Sakib

Student of GRE Quant School

''I led the Instructor Management team of 10 Minute School and dealt with hundreds of instructors from across the country. Sourav Simanta Bhai has all the capabilities to be addressed as an excellent instructor. The patience he shows for the minute detailing and clearing basic concepts of everyone present in the class, is outstanding. Strongly recommended for you if you're looking for GRE Quant guidance.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Biswajit Kumar Utpal

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best mentor & so cordial man I think that Gre quant school is the best place for GRE test wishers... Sourav Simanta brother really a great instructor for GRE quant & will be feel such a right place you chooses if you take admit in gre quant school... Will be love & respect always for sourav simanta vaai❤️''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mohammed Mehedi Hasan

Student of GRE Quant School

''আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, নির্ভরযোগ্য একটি স্টাডি গ্রুপ''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Anik Das

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta… এই মানুষ টাকে ব্যাচ এর সবাই ভাই ডাকলেও আমি স্যার ই ডাকতাম। কারণ, স্যার শব্দটা উনার জন্য কেন জানি না অজান্তেই চলে আসতো! GRE নিয়ে বলতে গেলে জিরো নলেজ নিয়ে এক ফ্রেন্ড এর রেফারেন্স এ কোয়ান্ট স্কুল সম্পর্কে জানতে পারি। এভারেজ লেভেল এর কোয়ান্ট বলা যাবে না আমার ইনিশিয়েল অবস্থা টাকে। ধরে নিতে পারেন বিলো-এভারেজছিলাম। কারণ, কিছু কিছু টপিক নতুন করে পড়া লেগেছিলো GRE এর জন্য। ট্রাস্ট মি, এই মানুষ টা কখনো বিরক্ত বোধ করতো না। মাঝে মাঝে এক ম্যাথ ৪/৫ বার উনি বুঝানোর সময় আমি নিজেই বিরক্ত হতাম। কিন্তু আমি কখনোই স্যার কে বিরক্ত হতে দেখিনি। আমি অলোয়েজ সিলি মিস্টেক করতাম। এবং উনি বলতেন ঠিক হয়ে যাবে ভাই। এরকম পজিটিভ মানুষ আমি খুব কম ই দেখেছি। আমি আসলেই কৃতজ্ঞ GRE Quant School (Online Group Study) এর কাছে। এই মানুষ টাকেই হ্যাটস অফ তার টায়ারলেস ইফোর্ট এর জন্য। দিন শেষে এই মানুষ টার জন্য শুভ কামনা। ❤️❤️❤️''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

পূজা চক্রবর্তী

Student of GRE Quant School

''Very organized & resourceful tutoring. Undoubtedly the best tutor for Quant. Probably one of the best decisions was to join the classes and quant seems easy now.''️

GRE Quant School Student Review

Keya Moni

Student of GRE Quant School

''যদিও শারীরিক অসুস্থতার কারনে সবগুলো ক্লাস করা হয়নি, কিন্তু গনিতের চমৎকার বিষয়গুলো বেসিক থেকে এডভান্স পর্যন্ত শিখতে পারছি। আলহামদুলিল্লাহ! স্যার, আপনি যতটা ভালো মেনটর ঠিক ততোটাই একজন অমায়িক মানুষ। স্যার, আপনার কাছে অনেক কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করছি, আমাকে আপনার একজন মেনটি হওয়ার সুযোগ করে দেওয়ার জন্য। দোয়ার দরখাস্ত।''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mahiur Rahman Mahir

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta vaia is an ideal quant tutor for GRE aspirants. He explains every problem briefly and clearly. He is very cordial with his students, even one can get suggestions on any topic related to GRE and higher studies from him. I have already learned many tips, tricks, and strategies regarding quant in my one-month journey with him.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

তাসফিক এনাম

Student of GRE Quant School

''কনফিডেন্স নিয়ে আন্সার দিবেন - আসলেই দিবো ভাই। আপনার কাছে অনেক কিছু শিখলাম, ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড থাকার পরেও। আপনে যে ধৈর্য নিয়ে ক্লাসগুলা করাইছেন তাতে আপনার কোন হেটার থাকলেও প্রশংসা করতে বাধ্য। বেস্ট মেন্টর ❤️''

GRE Quant School Student Review

না জ মু ল

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta is a class quant mentor as well as man I have ever imagined. He constructed every math very quickly and efficiently. So any one can pursue gre quant school without any hesitation. All thanks goes for beloved brother Sourav Simanta.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Tasmia Rahman

Student of GRE Quant School

''Whether my questions make any sense or not Sourav Simanta vaia's teaching will always make sense and boost anyone's understanding, confidence on GRE quant section. Extremely patience,humble instructor... so highly recommend the GRE Quant School to those who're still hesitated.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Anik Hasan

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta ভাই আপনি খুবই ধৈর্য্যশীল, অমায়িক একজন মানুষ। আপনার পড়ানোর কৌশলটাও অনেক ভালো।কোয়ান্ট এর জন্য আপনি বেস্ট ❤️❤️''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Shahjada Firoz

Student of GRE Quant School

''Best quant instructor I have ever seen. You are great.loved the way u teach the critical u brother, 💗💗💗''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mohammad Moshiur Rahman

Student of GRE Quant School

''Preparing for GRE generally seems to be a cumbersome task for a number of students, as it has been for me; however, a firm guidance with self-motivation might be a game changer. Currently I am a student of GRE Quant School and it has been more than one month. In this time period, the most exciting part of the course was- a highly supportive mentor. Every class starts with a Practice test on the topic discussed the previous class, which helps us to evaluate our overall preparation on that topic. Moreover, a comprehensive discussion and problem solving are also the central part of each class. In my opinion, no single student leaves a class without proper understanding of the problem he or she has. Punctuality and timeliness are also some noteworthy quality of this course. When we enter a consistent process of development, it is quite obvious that improvement is evident. I have also seen same type of progress in my case. I am very grateful to my instructor Sourav Simanta vai for his relentless effort to our betterment. We are very lucky to get such personalized advice and evaluation that he provides. Though I am attending the course as a part of group of 4 persons, it is like each of us is getting individual support and guidance to improve quantitative skills. Finally, if someone needs mentor support regarding GRE Quantitative Reasoning part, it would be worthy to complete the course provided by GRE Quant School.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

সাফিয়া আফরিন

Student of GRE Quant School

''From the very beginning of my GRE prep, I was looking for a mentor who can help me out to crack those tricky questions in quant part. Usually most of the times, I got trapped & perplexed in solving the problems in the easiest way. So, I texted Sourav shimanta Bhai & found him as a cooperative & supportive mentor. At first he offered me to take the classes before taking my decisions weather the course is worthful or not. Undoubtedly it was good. His teaching strategy & solving methods are admittedly best which made me hold onto my decision to go with it. Lastly, I must be suggested those peoples who really frustrated in solving problems & consuming times , should have attended him as a mentor.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

ইশরাত জাহান মাহমুদ

Student of GRE Quant School

''Sourav Simanta is an excellent mentor and teaches interactively. I started my GRE journey with him, and he boosted my confidence. I would highly recommend him.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Sujat Ahmed

Student of GRE Quant School

''Very few mentors I have met throughout my entire education life till now are of such idiosyncratic and you are one of them Mr. Sourav Simanta Bro. After your PhD, I believe you should go for an academic career rather than Industry. Hope that you will keep helping thousands of aspirants in future. Hope for the best for you. Thank you. By the way, I like your epic dialogue, " ছাত্ররা কনফিডেন্টলি ভুল করে"! 🙂''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Mohammad Rubel Mia

Student of GRE Quant School

''In the beginning, I would like to state that the Honorable Instructor of this course is a generous and amicable person. He drives this course in a perfect way of learning and acquiring new things. I'm blessed for getting such a great instructor. And I would highly recommend this course for the GRE aspirants.''

GRE Quant School Student Review

Nushrat Sohagi

Student of GRE Quant School

''I am recently taking an online GRE Quant class with Sourav Simanto vaiya and I must say it was an exceptional learning experience.His expertise and teaching style made a significant difference in my preparation for the GRE exam.His proficiency in the subject matter shines through in his explanations and making it easier for students.He goes beyond the surface-level understanding and provides valuable insights.The course is well-structured,covering all the essential topics required for the GRE Quant section.He ensures a methodical approach by breaking down complex problems into manageable steps.I wholeheartedly recommend his class to aspiring GRE test-takers.''

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